Social AI & Robotics Laboratory

Centre for Robotics Research (CoRe), Department of Engineering, King's College London

Social AI & Robotics Laboratory

We are part of Centre for Robotics Research (CoRe) within Department of Engineering at King's College London. Our research focuses on machine learning for social artificial intelligence and human-robot interaction. In particular, we are interested in learning multimodal representations of human behaviour and environment from data and integrating such models into the perception, learning and control of real-world systems such as robots. Key application areas include but not limited to autonomous systems, intelligent interfaces and assistive technologies in healthcare, education, public and personal spaces; indeed, any area that demands human-robot interaction.

The Team

Dr Oya Celiktutan (PI)
Associate Professor of Robotics
(Senior Lecturer)

Viktor Schmuck
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Edoardo Cetin
PhD Student

Jian Jiang
PhD Student

Cheng Peng
PhD student

Dr Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen
Visiting Research Fellow

Ruiqi Zhu
PhD student

Lennart Wachowiak
PhD student

Guanhe Huang
PhD Student

Tanzheng Lian
PhD Student

Ariel Gjaci
Visiting PhD Student

Costanza Cenerini
Visiting PhD Student

Shruti Shreya
Research Assistant

Arushi khokhar
MSc Student

Robots and Equipment

Kaiko, Human Support Robot

Emo, NAO Robot

Clara and Rosa, Pepper robots

TIAGo robot (for teaching)

Former Members

Iman Ismail
PhD student

Sowrab Chowdhury
UG Researh Fellow

Yuchen Wang
UG Researh Fellow
Mateusz Adamski
UG Researh Fellow
Yi (Jasmine) Wu
Visiting MSc Student
Dr Miriam Redi
Visiting Research Fellow
Research Manager, Wikimedia

Filippon Favali
Visiting MSc Student